Be True to You

True Brand Farms™ Quality & Customer-First Experience

Next Level Flavor

We know the most important part of your experience is enjoyable flavors along with a great experience. At True Brand Farms™ we have gone through thousands of hours of taste testing and worked to find the perfect flavor profile to help you enjoy your CBD & CBG vape. As one of the most powerful of our 5 senses, we take flavor to the next level and we hope you enjoy the results.

Relax into the good life

True Brand Farms™  is about making sure you can take a break, stop your day as if time stands still and breathe. CBD & CBG are special products, and we want you to use True Brand Farms™ line of products to enjoy the moment. Reflect on the good in life and pull positive energy towards you and escape from the world.

Connection with your soul

True Brand Farms™ is all about experiencing the true essence of life as humans and being present and peaceful while enjoying every moment. Our products can be enjoyed with friends and family or by yourself as a source of finding calm and unity for your soul.

Respect Nature with a Low Carbon Footprint

All of the purified golden clear vape that True Brand Farms™ uses is made from organic hemp in our True labs. We use only Mother Earth's finest ingredients to create our own version of what we think to be the highest quality CBD & CBG vape on Planet Earth.

Benefits of CBD & CBG

Restore Your Health and Quality of Life

  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Lower Blood Pressure 
  • Improve Sleep
  • Manage Cancer Treatment Symptoms
  • Pain Relief